Friday 1 November 2013


NO!vember is something that some friends have come up with in an attempt to get into our pretty Christmas dresses. In the same way that some men will be growing a moustache for Movember, and other quit smoking for STOP-tober, my friends and I will be saying NO to treats of all kinds. Hence, NO!vemeber

Now, my willpower is zero but my muffin top enormous after having a baby 9 months ago (that story starts here and here) so having searched Pinterest for some inspiration I have created a Motivation Wall on our fridge and wanted to share it!

The aim is that this will keep me on track, while at the same time encouraging my husband in his marathon training for April 2014.

This is our Motivation Wall - hoping it will cater for both Rob and I
First - the rules! Plus, a little reminder about WHY I was to complete NO!vember.

You can see in the original image that we have included a food plan for the week - many people will tell you that this is useful. Saving money, eating right. There are blog posts all over the internet talking of how much this has helped them and their family. This is something we have always done anyway - but give it go yourself!

I've written some inspirational and motivating quotes (that I pinched from the original wall from Pinterest!) and something more personal - is our little man proud? Plus my favourite pic to help drive that home! Now, I'm all about being positive, but if a little guilt trip will drive it home on the challenging days - I'm all for it!

You can also see from this image that I have also added little post-its with a day-by-day countdown. I have read that this will be encouraging and make us keen to complete the challenge!

This next part is for Rob specifically. He ran the marathon in 2012 but has decided to do it again. He needs to crack on with his training, but is finding it hard between having a new baby, working so hard and supporting me. Hopefully this will help!


I have found a great 10 minute fat burning routine that I am determined to fit into my day - 10 minutes. SURELY I can find that. What do I do for 10 minutes each day that I can skip...? TV? Read for 20 minutes instead of 30 at bedtime? It could even be 10 minutes of entertaining the little man!

The wall is also full of little tips to keep me going when I am getting lost - have I eaten enough fruit? Do I drink enough water? Remember to walk to dog as a little extra exercise!



NO!vember will be successful with my Motivation Wall!

Thursday 19 September 2013

A blog everyday in September: Day 18 My quiet place

I follow a blog about motherhood and saw that the writer did a 'blog every day in August' challenge and I really enjoyed reading it, so I have decided to take part in Chickywiggle's blog every day in September

Day eighteen - My quiet place

This is tough one!

We have one little boy - Lawrence, 7 months old and a dog that is quite relaxed so our home is pretty quiet and relaxed. However, when my husband gets home from work I have usually had enough of being 'on' all day and need five minutes for me! (Is this bad...?!)

So, I disappear upstairs while Rob and Lawrence play under the pretence of washing, or something equally boring and sit on the bed in silence for five minutes. Lawrence stayed at his grandma's house a few weeks ago and I couldn't work out what was wrong when we went to bed. I realised your ears are always on as a mum - even when Lawrence has gone to bed you're still listening and waiting.

So, my quiet place is my bedroom, but just for a few minutes a day and it seriously helps!

What is yours?

A blog everyday in September: Day 19 Pirates!

I follow a blog about motherhood and saw that the writer did a 'blog every day in August' challenge and I really enjoyed reading it, so I have decided to take part in Chickywiggle's blog every day in September

Day nineteen - Pirates!

I had intentions of telling you all about this hilarious day while holidaying in Malta where we randomly came across a film set near a beach and went over to have our photos taken with the cast and crew. We posed for pictures and they were a really good laugh but we looked ridiculous, but now that I have found the picture I realise - they weren't pirates, they were, in fact, Vikings.

So, instead, have a picture of my little boy in his 'pirate bandana'.

If you can't be funny, be cute!

Monday 16 September 2013

A blog everyday in September: Day 17 My favourite painting

I follow a blog about motherhood and saw that the writer did a 'blog every day in August' challenge and I really enjoyed reading it, so I have decided to take part in Chickywiggle's blog every day in September

Day seventeen: My favourite painting

Whistlejacket, By George Stubbs
This is not so much about the painting - albeit wonderful. It is more about its placing in the National Gallery in London!

You walk through the Great Hall and turn right, and there it is. It's in an enormous frame that you can spot through the doorway as you approach. It is the most amazing placement I have seen and catches my eye EVERY time I go in the gallery. I can't resist walking by the gallery without going inside to see!

A blog everyday in September: Day 14 Cakes, cakes and more cakes!

I follow a blog about motherhood and saw that the writer did a 'blog every day in August' challenge and I really enjoyed reading it, so I have decided to take part in Chickywiggle's blog every day in September

Day fourteen: Cakes, cakes and more cakes!

I LOVE cake! Any kind of cake is fine by me and I am happy to report that it does, in fact, make everything better!

Please see this blog post to see my thoughts and ideas about some cakes.

Below I have also added a super scrummy recipe for you all to try! I didn't know I liked banana cake until I tried this recipe. YUM!

Enjoy - eat cake and be merry! Mary Berry merry if you will...

A blog everyday in September: Day 16 Heroes

I follow a blog about motherhood and saw that the writer did a 'blog every day in August' challenge and I really enjoyed reading it, so I have decided to take part in Chickywiggle's blog every day in September

Day sixteen: Heroes

Superman is the greatest hero of all time!

Here are the reasons why:
  • He can fly!
  • He is kind and works hard at his day job
  • He saves people - even the bad ones
  • He admits he has a fault - Kryptonite
  • He has worked hard despite being a little messed up family-wise

Overall - he is a real hero! He hides behind Clark Kent to protect his real, heroic identity.

When compared to others he comes out on top for his humility:
  • Bruce Wayne is the real guy and he hides behind Batman
  • Tony Stark is real and hides behind Iron Man
  • Even Eric Wimp hides behind Bananaman (although I don't blame him!)
Who are you heroes?

Tuesday 10 September 2013

A blog everyday in September: Day 10 Swap Ideas Day

I follow a blog about motherhood and saw that the writer did a 'blog every day in August' challenge and I really enjoyed reading it, so I have decided to take part in Chickywiggle's blog every day in September

Day ten: Swap ideas day

So, I have to hope that my brothers and sister-in-laws don't find this one! (I am pretty sure they don't read it, but if you are STOP now!!!)

Both my brother are having babies this year and I was racking my brain to think, what can I make them both? I needed it to be fairly straight forward, not too time consuming (I may have mentioned that I have a baby -  here and here!). But I also wanted it to be something the babies could keep.

So - here it is. A memory blanket.

I have printed photos onto fabric and created a patchwork blanket for my new niece/nephew x2!

My brother as a baby on his new memory blanket, wrapped and ready to go.

I used PhotoFabric Sheets from Amazon. They were about £15 including postage so I only ordered one set, unsure how good the photos would come out. As you can see above - they were fantastic. All the baby photos were traditional photos so the quality wasn't great, but the printing was great. You just put the fabric in your printer like you usually would with paper.

I have added a baby photo and small child photo of each parent, and then some couples pictures too (e.g. one couple is married so I have included a wedding photo!)

This image shows the other blanket I am making, not finished just yet, but almost there. It's just to give you an idea of the overall effect.

So there you have it - a unique baby gift! Now, if I could only find the time to make one for myself..!

What do you think?